DROTTNINGHOLM OCH LOVÖA book about Sweden's first World Heritage site and a unique island. About all of the personalities that live and have lived on that island: wilful queens and kings; scribes Bellman, Strindberg, Söderberg and Lagerkrantz; artists Lundquist and Koman; architects Erskine, Celsing and Tengbom. Read More
En bok om Sveriges första världsarv och en den unika ön. Om alla personligheter som lever och har levt på denna ö. Egensinniga drottningar och kungar, författararna Bellman, Strindberg, Söderberg och Lagercrantz, konstnärerna Lundquist och Koman, arkitekterna Erskine, Celsing och Tengboms. Read more... |
ROSE IN THE SANDJulie Lindahl captures the essence of the greatest personal challenge that each of us faces: to discover that there is no blueprint for living, and to find the courage to be authentic to ourselves.Read more...
SEGLA MÄLARENSegla Mälaren is not just a tribute to Mälaren, but also the only guide you’ll need for touring this lake -whether you are sailing, motor boating, canoeing, kayaking, or just driving around it.
Read more... Boken Segla Mälaren är inte bara en hyllning till Mälaren, utan också den enda guide man behöver över sjön. Vare sig man seglar, åker motorbåt, paddlar kanot eller färdas landsvägen. Read more... |
ON MY SWEDISH ISLANDAn exploration of the integral relationship between nature and personal development and how this manifests itself in the Scandinavian lifestyle-from outdoor life and relaxation to design, cuisine, gardening, and herbalism. Read more...
THE LITTLE BOOKLET OF FOOD FOR A GOOD LIFE12 thoughts, 12 recipes and 12 exquisite fold-out duo-tone images for inspiring a joyful and healthy approach to food and eating based on Nordic food culture. Limited handmade edition 2006, currently out of print.
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