MADAME ROUSSEAUThérèse Levasseur, upplysningsfilosofen Jean-Jacques Rousseaus livskamrat i trettiotre år, upphöjdes till franska revolutionens hjältinna men slutade sina dagar försupen och i största armod.
Det här är hennes historia och hennes syn på livet med sin berömde man. Read more... Thérèse Levasseur was the Enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s life partner for thirty years. Rousseau, author of Émile, or on Education, a novel that gave rise to a new epoch, forced Thérèse to leave the five children she bore him to a Paris adoption home and, with this, to near-certain death. Rousseau railed against her in social company and in his autobiographical writings: her clumsy expression, her inability to learn to read, write, count, or keep track of the time or month of year. Contemporary history and commentary after her death didn’t hold back on criticism of Thérèse: she was a snake, stupid as an animal, contentious, a conspirator, a liar and responsible for Rousseau’s death. Read more... |
CEAUSESCUS TESTAMENTENatten innan Harry Blom åker på tjänsteresa till Rumänien drömmer han att han mördar sin hustru. När han vaknar är hon försvunnen och väl i Bukarest får han ingen kontakt med henne. Där träffar han Elena Ceausescu och förförs in i hennes liv. Har hans hustru mördas genom Elenas försorg eller kan drömmar vara så starka att de styr verkliga skeenden? Read more...
Ceausescu’s Testamente Harry Blom is an ordinary unimaginative public servant. The night before he is to leave for Rumania on a business trip, he dreams that he has murdered his wife. As he departs, she has disappeared, and when he arrives in Budapest he cannot reach her. Instead he meets Elena Ceausescu, a beguiling woman whose identity he has difficulty determining. Is she the illegitimate child of the deposed dictator, thought to be his successor, a fantasist, or an elite call girl with connections to a gang that makes violent barn pornography in Bucharest’s underworld? Harry is drawn into her life, and we learn of the possibility that his wife back home in a suburb of Stockholm may have been murdered on Elena’s orders. Or can dreams be so powerful that they influence real events? Read more... |
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